We FINALLY got that snow we've been waiting for all season long!!....woohoo and it was a good one!!....not quite sure what the exact correct measurement is, I measured in two different spots on the driveway and came up with different amounts....either way, it's a winter wonderland, YAY!!....I went out into the street and took a pic of the front of our house and then one of the back yard....it should be fun driving to the Post Office and to Fedex today! LOL!

Great! We got abput 7 inces in Philly, but it's still blowin up here and there. Haven't ventured out yet, chicken that I am. Too lazy!
Hi Janet,
The snow looks so beautiful...but I'm glad we didn't get any here in my part of Ohio. Don't get me wrong...I love snow, but we have had so much of it that I am so done with it. We are starting to get a warm up and by Friday they are calling for 60 degrees. Works for me!
Have a great week.
Hi Janet ~~ Im so Happy for you...woohoo !!!
I know you have waited all season for the Beautiful white stuff, EnJoy it.
The pictures are great your house looks so pretty covered in snow.
Hugs ~ Connie xox
If you would like more snow, I'll send you some from Michigan! We sure have had it this year, but glad you finally did too. It does look magical when it's all clean and fresh. What is growing in the mason jar on your blog? I love it!
I don't know whether to be happy for you or not, I live in Ohio, & have seen so much of the white stuff and ice this year. I am ready for the blue skies & daffodils. Nevertheless, it is beautiful, & I hope that you enjoyed it much.
Your house looks so pretty in the snow!
When I was shopping today I saw the wonderful window treatment like the one in your spare room. Now it it calling my name!
Morning - I don't think I will be buying that anytime soon. Can't justify the expense since my other window treatments aren't that old. I just added to them to my list of 'maybe someday" !! LOL
Just found your blog and I am so glad that I did!
Enjoy the snow! Here in WV we are expecting temps near 70 this weekend!
That looks so beautiful!
I think we are done getting snow...but you never know what might come out of the sky or when!
Your home is beautiful...the front and the back!
YAY-I happy that you are happy that you got snow!
your home is so pretty! :)
My bother emailed me pics of his snow... he was so happy to have snow...he's been waiting and waiting! He lives in VA too. Ruther Glen, know where that is?
Thanks so much for telling me what kind of candle that is!
Enjoy your evening, Janet.
Good Morning Janet ~~
I see you have 60 degrees this morning,how nice. The sun is shining here but not its not that warm maybe later. :-)
EnJoy the week-end ~~
Hugs ~ Connie xox
Hi Janet~
Love your snowy pictures but as much as I love snow I'm glad that storm just missed us. I'm so ready for spring flowers!! I love the curtain you decided on also, the room looks great! Take care and have a happy day!! Jenn
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