Have you received your latest copy of Country Sampler magazine yet?....mine just arrived in the mail....I always look forward to receiving it, it's always been my favorite magazine because of all the great pictures!....I have an ad for my web shoppe in this issue, check it out on Page 129....it's the Potted Purple Pansy, Grubby Little Bird, and the ABC 123 Sampler....I wasn't expecting them to also place the Pansy and the Bird on the front page of their Craft Fair section, that was a nice surprise!
Caught your sweet :::XXXXX:::'s and sent some to Connecticut too !! One day (when there are no snow flurries - sorry) we will all just have to get together and have a grand time of it!! That would be real fun!! XO Judy
Hi Janet!
I haven't recieved my copy yet :(
Can't wait to see Karen's home and article and I will be sure to check out page 129 too;)
Have a wonderful weekend...
Morning Janet....
I saw your ad the other day when I was browsing in the ad section...I'm considering an ad but just can't get it going yet - sort of scares me with the price.
Also our home is in the magazine on page 24 so check it out!
Hugs, Karen
Hi Janet ~~ Will look for a copy when Im out this week-end. Good Luck with the ad..hope it brings you all kinds of new business. Im taking a break from some outside clean up its Beautiful out.
EnJoy the day !! Hugs ~ Connie xox
Best wishes on your web shoppe ad. I really enjoy Country Sampler too.
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