All I can say is WOW!....is it just me or was last night's show really great?!....I thought almost everyone did FANTASTIC!....Danny is still my favorite and I enjoyed his performance the most but I gotta say that I was really impressed by the performances of Kris, Alexis, Lil, Matt, Megan, Michael, and even Anoop!....poor Megan oh my goodness you could tell she didn't feel well at all but her performance was really good and she looked absolutely gorgeous!....I almost wasn't distracted by that tatooed arm! LOL....I thought that Allison just did ok, that Scott was kinda weak, and I completely agreed with Simon on his critique of Adam's performance!....it will be interesting indeed to see who goes home tonight!....that's my take, what's your's?
Ditto Janet !!! LOL I was wondering if we got to come and vote again.
Thanks for taking the poll this is fun, these kids are amazing Im loving this season almost as much as the second season. Almost that is....lol
Going now to vote. Hugs ~ Connie xox
Hi Connie!....since the poll thingy won't let me remove names, I will be putting up a new poll every Wednesday night after the results show so it will start over every week....I think it's fun too!....and you can vote for more than one person at a time if you want! hugs back atcha! Janet :)
Hey Janet ~~ I'm shocked with the results tonight...how about you?? I loved Alexis Grace...I thought she was adorable with such a cool voice. Guess I cant complain cause I don't vote for real.
I'm sad :-( ~~ me xox
Hi Connie....I am very disappointed with the results, I even voted for her last night!....I voted several times for five of them and lots of times for Danny, LOL....I don't think she would have won but I certainly wasn't ready for her to leave just yet either! xoxo me :(
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