I spent some time going around the house photographing all of the spring decorating I've been doing and have posted new pictures on my Picture Trail....I do not have a primitive home and just a few authentic primitive pieces of furniture, would love to have more though!....I am stuck with mauve carpeting until it wears out and we can afford wooden floors, plus I still like color on the walls so I'm not sure I'll ever have a truely primitive home so for now, it's my version of primitive country decorating....I absolutely LOVE the elements of primitive style and always enjoy seeing pictures of how other's decorate....I just can't seem to get the Simplify part down though, I love the look of just a thing or two perfectly placed but no matter how hard I try it just doesn't happen for me....I guess I just have too much stuff!....here's the link to my Picture Trail:
Well I for one think you don't give yourself enough credit. I love all your pictures!! The color on your walls doesn' take away from your decor at all!! LOve those pics!!
Your home is perfect and I do think it is primitive with all of the special touches you have added. I have made many of the Jackie Schmidt rabbits & doll & they are on my blog or my selling blog. I also made the same rabbit with the cross stitched egg and peep in her pocket. I'm off to check out your web store. Have a wonderful day.
Hi Janet, I don't think one needs their home to be COMPLETELY Primitive to have that look....you have done great with your little bits here and there and Primitive has color on walls - just look in books - it's all what you feel comfortable with.
Keep posting - we love the updates.
I agree with Linda...your home is beautiful and don't feel bad about the mauve carpeting I have to put up with country blue in the keepingroom until things improve around here financially.I have grey and white covering in the kitchen that shows every crumb and the door to the garage is right off the kitchen so it is an every day battle for me to keep it clean!
I do love your dolls and everyone of the rabbits...so prim perfect:)
I had so much fun looking at your picture trail, it was great! You have lots of prim goodies that you should be very proud of. Keep the pictures coming! Dawn
Hey, Janet~~I'm off to go take a little look around!! Can't wait to see your pictures!
Take care~~Jackie
Okay~~I'm back!! I agree with everyone above!! You did a great job mixing!! I recently bought the most modern sofa ever!! My sister saw it and couldn't believe it, but I chose comfort for the family over my own tastes, and they love me for it!! Now I just have to figure out what to do with the rest of the room!! ~~Jackie
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