Check out this AWESOME trencher from Pottery Barn!....one is 5 feet long for $199 and the other is 3 feet long for $149....notice the metal "repair" on the one pictured in the foreground, wow!....I'm gonna have to add this to my wish list!....I have always enjoyed looking through Pottery Barn catalogs, love their clean classy decorating ideas, and they always have a few really great pieces that work so well with primitive country.
Also, I have this "thing" for fake plants, go figure!....I know they're a decorating no-no, but I love buying artificial greenery and putting it in a crock or basket and I especially LOVE topiaries!....Pottery Barn has 2 new really cool lookin' rosemary topiaries and a potted lavender (another weakness of mine) that I am also adding to my wish list!

Click on the pictures to make 'em big!
Have a glorious Friday!!