Gosh I love this tree! When we think about how much we want to move out of this subdivision, I glance out my back door and windows at this wonderful willow tree and think how could I leave her? I planted her when she was just a baby! I wanted to share with you all what she looked like when we brought her home from the nursery, she was so little she fit in the trunk of my Honda Accord! Well we did have to leave the trunk open and tied down as her top wouldn't quite fit all the way in. That was in the spring of 2003. I had to load the picture into my software and figure out how to draw a circle around her so you could see her. Please note, this was the backyard of a newly constructed house! Ah yes the joys of new construction, well that was 6 years ago.

Now look at her! I took this picture just this evening! Isn't she grand?
I have been busy adding new wares to my web shoppe so I haven't been able to concentrate on my blog lately but as of now I'm waiting on a couple straggling in orders and I'll be done until next month! I'm so happy to have been able to place an order with one of the last surviving textile mills in the U.S. still family run, I love their textiles! I am hoping to add more of their items to increase my selection. Plus, just today I placed an order with some folks who make the most wonderful hand-forged iron pieces and I can't wait until those items come in next month!
Well that's all for now....until next time my friends!
Oh how could you leave that beautiful tree? I know what you mean though, I'm having the same problem moving from this house. My bittersweet is HUGE and I don't know how I'm ever going to move it! Have a great day, Dawn
Janet, your willow tree is beautiful!!
Your willow tree is so pretty & so is your landscaping. Love your new textiles in the store.
I feel that way about all my trees, when we bought our land it was an open field used for farm land, no trees, but 12 years later i have a yard full, river birch, oak, maple, plum, cypress, and of corse a weeping willow!!
Well I am in love with Willow Trees and yours is just beautiful!!! And your yard looks beautiful too.
Oh yes, we have LOTS of Halloween right now. I just love the handmades and it is so much fun to put them all into the shop! (Fall is my favorite time of year.) Can't wait to see what we find next week at the trade shows. I AM looking so forward to having fun with my friend! Have a great day, Dawn
Evening Janet ~~ Oh your Tree..is Grand,... just Beautiful !!! Cant wait till you get in your hand forged iron, that is a wonderful get !! I know SYTYCD is at the end, what the heck are we going to watch now. And I cant believe Paula will be leaving Idol Im hoping its some sort of stunt.
Hugs~ Connie xox
Oh yes, I'm so excited about the new shops coming to town. I just hate to see empty buildings just sitting there. I think a lot of people will really enjoy them. They should both be open by the beginning of September! Have a great day, Dawn
Wow, what a wonderful tree! I want one now :)
What a beautiful tree, so graceful! It made me think of a very special tree I had to leave behind. My father bought me a beautiful flowering plum tree as a gift for my first Mother's Day. I moved 4 yrs later and sadly the tree was just too big to dig up and take with us. It was a very sad thing and I will never again buy myself or let anyone buy me a tree to mark a special occasion. Have a restful evening. Hugs, Loretta
Thanks for your support, Janet. This will be quite an undertaking before it's all done, but I just know we are making the right move. I sure am ready to get away for a few days though, and Ohio is just the ticket to spend some time with my friend. Have a great weekend, Dawn
Hi Janet,
I bought a pineapple from my dear sweet friend Kath earlier this year. It has a place of honor in my kitchen. I adore it. I have also bought many beautiful prim things from your wonderful shop. I would love to have one of everything from your shop! Enjoy the rest of your weekend!Hugs, Loretta
Oh yes Janet, I love that sofa. If I decorated with blue it would have been mine! Can't wait to see what goodies we find at the trade shows this week. Have a great day, Dawn
Your willow is beautiful, Janet!
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