I just wanted to say, "THANK YOU", to all who offered their support and advice for my recent dilemma. I spent the entire day yesterday reading tutorials and figuring out how to utilize the software I have to create a watermark tool. I have begun the daunting task of placing the watermark on every single picture in my inventory. I don't know how many pictures it is but there are two photos for every product I have, a small one and a large one, so needless to say, that will keep me busy for many hours

to come. In the long run it will be worth it I suppose, but my main concern is will it affect the quality of shopping my customers enjoy? Here are a few that I've already done. I made the watermark somewhat faint in hopes of not ruining the look of the photo....what do you think?....do you think it messes up the pics too much or will it be ok?

Thank you again for all of your support!
It will be fine, you can see the pictures perfectly. Have a fun day at the computer! Dawn
Looks great, Janet ;)
I know it's a task...but at least people won't be so apt to take your photos now....or display them as their OWN!
It doesn't take away from your photo at all! You did a great job!
...oh and that 'thing' on the my shelf with the pineapple stencil is my cheese box I re-did! :)
thanks for liking it!
Have a great day!
Im sorry you have to go thru all that. People are just rude and inconsiderate taking someone elses pics. It definately looks ok though and doesnt distract from the pics.
I think your pictures look fine! It doesn't take away from them at all! I think you did a great job! I'm just sorry you have to take so much time to do this but..it will be well worth it in the end! Your pictures will be protected!
Have a great day!
Janet ~
Your pictures are fine & the watermark will be well worth it in the long run. I am going to start doing that soon myself. Have a wonderful day, my friend.
I can't remember where I read about it but I think this is something new from ebay.You have to go into your account and click something, opt out thing and they wont be able to get your pics.I read about it on someones blog or maybe it was a forum I was on.Gosh,wish I could remember.Sorry I cant be of more help.
Janet I found the link I will email it to you.
The watermark on your pictures look great, Janet! It doesn't take away from your items at all. Sorry you have to go through all of this!!
Take care!
Hi Janet,
I think your pictures look nice... We can see the pic's without problem. It will be fine.
Hi Janet,
The photos look great to me! I always enjoy your blog, and your shop!
It's perfectly fine Janet. The beauty of your goodies shines through! Sorry you had to go through all of that trouble. Hugs, Loretta
It's perfect!! Your treasures show through just fine!!
Janet,your pictures look fine to me and I still enjoy looking at your site,my wishlist is growing :)
Hi Janet,
I think that your pictures look great and you can see your products perfectly.
I know that it is a task, but it will be well worth it in the end...so that no one can use your photos.
hugs, Cinndy
Hi Janet,
I placed a little order today from you. You have some great fall goodies and I cannot wait to order again!! Take care.
Hi Janet ~~ So sorry you are having problems...with your pictures. I just checked ebay..and that person has nothing right now for sale...so maybe ebay made her pull all the items. I hope the watermakeing does the trick for you.
Hugs ~ Connie xox
Hi Janet,
I'm glad to hear your son is doing better. That sounds painful! We never stop worrying about and caring for our kids.
The bittersweet is even more beautiful now that more of the pods have opened. In fact I bought 7 bittersweet vines to plant in my yard. Hopefully they will grow quickly. Have a great day. Hugs, Loretta
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