In the mail I received a handmade checkerboard from
Maggie in Ireland and I love it!....I knew just where I was going to put it too!....yep, the top of my wall cupboard!....if you scroll down to previous posts you'll see the various incarnations of said wall cupboard....I was never perfectly pleased with the top until now!....I finally have a combination of things up there that I really really like....I sell those little boxes in my web shoppe and had a set put aside for myself because I love the colors....when I saw the color of the checkerboard in person I knew they'd go well with it too....and the Treenware masher's handle is the same shade of sage which is actually my favorite color, well, that and lavender....love love lavender and sage, together or separate!....well that is all for now....I'm looking forward to watching American Idol this evening....I read online that they will be singing songs from the cinema tonight....I wonder who will pick the right song!
Gosh! I haven't watched Idol at all this season...but I did last season! So I am so out of the loop!
I really like the way your items look on top of your cupboard...very nice!
I love that checkerboard...I'm going to check out that site right now!
I love your new checkerboard and how you have displayed everything ~ just perfect. Enjoy Idol ~ I'm not a fan.
Janet, well who do you think it will be this week? I'm thinking Anooop???!!! I want to get everything done so I can put on my p.j.'s and settle in to watch. The top of your cupboard looks great, those little boxes are adorable. We'll check back tomorrow to see who gets the boot! Dawn
It looks great - the board really balances it out. I did some tweaking today as well - I'll show pics later this week!
Looking forward to Idol tonight too!
This is my first time to post, but I have been reading for awhile now, and checking out your beautiful home pics on picturetrail. I love your house, and all your wonderful collections! Your display looks perfect on top of your wall cupboard.
blessings, kathy
Hi Janet,
Love the checker board and that is such a perfect place for it!
Enjoy American Idol tonight...I'll be watching also.
I found your blog through Hollis (Where the Rooster Crows). I love the cupboard. I showed it to my husband and asked if he oculd make something similar. He said he thinks he can. He can do almost anything he sets his mind to. Love your yellow mixing bowl. I have a collection of mixing bowls and keep buying more.
Okay, now I'm not sure who will get the boot tonight. Anoop did a really good job. I think it will either be Matt or Lil (and I really like both of them). I think the finals will be between Adam and Danny. And on "Dancing", I think the finals will come down to Lil Kim or the French guy. What do you think? Hey, it stopped raining here this morning!! Hooray! We'll see what happens on Idol tonight. Dawn
OMGosh, why is it that I am just now finding your blog!?! I am thrilled with your blog...love it TOTALLY!! Going to check it out some more. You definitely know how to decorate girl.
Your cupboard looks great, love the board and boxes:) I'll be watching Idol tonight too.
Hey Janet ~~ Just stopping in to say Hello, I have been having computer problems for the last few days.
Love the way you have fixed the top of your cupboard...it looks Great !! Looking forward to Idol tonight, EnJoy !!
Hugs ~ Connie xox
Hi Janet, I didn't get to watch Idol last night - out shopping for the store - but my hubby kept calling me to give me updates. Wonder who the 2 will be??!! Wow, I've got lots of work to do at the shop, but it will be SO worth it. I kept thinking that I should have "something for everyone", but it just isn't me. I want to keep it is prim as I can with the mix of antiques. Wish you could come visit one day! We'll talk again soon, Dawn
Thanks for visiting Ashley's home with me! It is coming right along. She has lots of hand-me-downs, but does a great job. Hope you have a wonderful weekend! Dawn
I always love everything you post, Janet!
Your gameboard looks great there.......everything always looks great no matter where or how you display it, some people just have a special touch when it comes to decorating and dispalying gatherings!! You got it girl! ;)
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