Our boys are grown and no longer anticipate the egg hunts and getting Hot Wheels and Matchbox cars, bubbles, stickers, and jelly beans, and all that fun stuff I've always bought this time of year for their baskets. It's just not the same when they're big, ya know? LOL....oh well, maybe someday I'll be able to have that fun again with a grandchild! Have a wonderful weekend everyone and Happy Easter!
Love your little bunny. He looks so at home with all the eggs. Our kids are 15,13, and 10. This is the first year that we don't have to be too sneaky about the Easter Bunny. He was pretty sure at Christmas but now knows they aren't real. Kinda sad in a way. Where did all the time go? Have a wonderful Easter.
I hear you on that one - it's not the same. I am saving all my ideas for next Easter!!
Have a wonderful Easter! hugs, Linda
Have a happy and blessed Easter.
Hope you have a great Easter - even though you have no little ones right now. We are going to my daughter's first holiday dinner and she has our Abbey and another one on the way. So much darn fun!! Dawn P.S. I think Anoop will be the next to go.
Happy Easter! I love your bunny and eggs. My son is 17 and no longer wants to hunt eggs....but hey my dad made us do it even into my 30's cause HE wanted to hide them!!
Evening Janet ~~ The girls left a little bit ago, Im pooped. lol
The kids sure do make all the fun for the Hoildays...but your time will come again..Im sure of it. For now enjoy Don, Michael, and have a Blessed HappY EasTer ~~
Hugs ~ Connie xox
PS ~~ Love your bunny, trencher & eggs !!!
Love the bunny and eggs in the trencher!!
You're so right that it isn't the same when your kids grow up...but it does end up back that way again when you have grandchildren. I so enjoying seeing all the holidays through my granddaughter's eyes.
Have a happy and blessed Easter.
I wish you could come visit too! We'd have a ball, I'm sure. Sure feels great to have the sun out for a few days in a row, makes for better attitudes. We were sure busy yesterday and I'm hoping for a repeat today!!! Have a great Easter - I'm looking forward to two days off! Dawn
HAPPY EASTER JANET....I feel the same way about my boys...adults now with children but I still think about the days when we did the Easter Baskets.
I just love this display...and yes, we have one grandson and a granddaughter on the way...can't wait. they are A pure pleasure and above all a BLESSING.
Much Peace & Blessings,
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