I hope everyone is enjoying the warm weather that many of us are experiencing today. Personally I don't like the heat but I know many of you have been anticipating this for quite some time. I just wanted to say hey and share a picture of my feline-daughter, her name is Katie. She is a cold person and whenever there is sun coming in through a window or an open door she lays where it's shinng. This is her a little while ago laying by the front door, the sun actually got too warm for her and she moved over a bit. Hey Terry, dontcha think my little girl and your big furry boy make a cute couple? teehee! Enjoy the rest of your weekend everyone!
If I were at your home I would be right next to Katie - soaking up the much needed sunshine! It did get hot out in the sun today... I LOVED EVERY MINUTE OF IT !! (remind I said that around August!) XO Judy
I love the pic of your kitty, how sweet....I love kitties! I am not a person that loves the really hot weather, but I would be happy if our temps got up to 60!! Hopefully it won't be long.....blessings, kathy
Give Katie a bit "pet" for me! Wish the weather would get up there and STAY for a few days, well we got 3 of them this week, but tomorrow it's supposed to go back down and rain! Thanks for visiting "my home", it actually belonged to my great-grandfather's uncle. And, yes, it was just meant to be! Wish you could come visit! Dawn
Hi Janet,
Your little Katie girl is really cute!! I'm not a big fan of really hot weather, but I love it when it is in the mid 60's to low 70's.
Thanks for taking a peek at my new craft room to be. We are taking all the baseboards off and replacing them through out the whole house. They are the orginal ones from 1954 when the house was built and are not in very good condition. We have been wanting to replace them since we moved in 16 years ago. Sure took us long enough. LOL... I can't wait to get my new room done.
hugs, Cindy
So glad you had a beautiful day!
We did as well, it was 75 here.
Aren't kitties so peaceful laying in the sun....thanks for sharing.
Hi Janet,
Thanks for you sweet words! The color in my hall is a much more subdued color than my office. It is a Benjamin Moore color but I no longe rhave the paint strip. I think it is something like Philedelphia Brick. If I get to the paint store soon, I'll see if I can find it. I love how subdued it is in the long hallway. And because my kitchen floor looks like brick, it is a nice transsition.
hugs, Linda
Your kitty looks like our Phoebe! She is an outside cat but she is so healthy looking...must be all the luscious mice she catches. :)
Janet, thanks for the kind words! Can you tell I love the OLD stuff? Kind of an addiction! You can send some of your warm weather up here - I'm so tired of cold and rain. Hope the storms aren't serious. Well, we'll have to see how they do on "Dancing" tonight. Who do you think will go this week? And then there's Idol... We'll compare notes, Dawn
Hi Janet!
Your Katie is very pretty!
I think she and Terry's big fella would make a cute kitty couple! ;)
Have a beautiful day and a happy week.
Okay, Lawrence got eliminated from DWTS - which was my pick this week. I agree, I think it will be Anoop or Lil, but I'm kind of tired of the red head too. Guess we'll have to check back tomorrow to see! Dawn
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