I hope everyone is enjoying their summer thus far. Here in the East, we are finally getting a break from the triple digit temps and while it's still too warm for me, I am thankful especially for my oldest son who has to work outdoors. I've been staying indoors and am so very thankful for electricity and A/C!!! I've been working on making these little pinkeeps/cupboard pillows and I am pleased with how they've turned out because I think they look like they're actually old! The designs on these two are by Jenny of Country Rustic Primitives and I have them posted on my web site in a new catagory called, "By My Hand".

...and here's one fresh off the hoop that I've just finished stitching:

These are elements from Stacy Nash's Goode Tidings pattern booklet. I am enjoying cross stitch...it's like painting a picture even though I can't draw or paint! LOL
Another thing I've been working on is giving my crock bench a makeover. Hubs made it several years ago and it has been hunter green up until recently. Here's the before and afters:


I had made a mess of it trying to apply the stain over the paint but hubs helped me out and made it better...it's still not perfect but the stuff I have on it covers up alot of the mess, LOL....I just wanted it to have a new look and I'm happy with it for now.

Then lastly, I purchased this adorable little stool from a friend of a friend on ebay in the UK...I just think it's so cute...

...I initially had it in mind for a chair that I want and don't yet have but doesn't it look cute with the make-do chair?

Well I think that's about it for now...I am looking forward to the turning of the Autumn leaves because hubs has agreed to take a short trip up to New England with me, maybe just spending one night away, but it's been since the summer of 2000 that we've done anything resembling a vacation and I am anxious for a little getaway!
Thank you for stopping by and have a great week!
New England? You are coming to New England? Girl one night is NOT enough!! Please make sure you let me know when and where!!! Maybe we can meet up!!
As you know I am a huge fan of your pin keeps and am now the very proud owner of 3!! And my mum is just as pleased with her Autumn Gatherings Pin Keep.
Your croc bench turned out lovely I prefer the new colour and the little stool, well that was just made to sit in front of your make do chair, (the one I drool over daily).
I sure hope your managing to stay cool, please please send some sun to me!
Your Friend
Hey Janet!
A night in New England sounds fun! I love those little short getaway's... Have fun!
i love your x-stitch. the fall one is beautiful.
Fantastic crosstitch...I always felt relaxed doing it...my eyes won't take it anymore but I so loved it.
What a cute stool...it's so different in the leg area and perfect for your make do chair.
Hi Janet-I really like the crock shelf re-do. If you are going to New England you had better add on a few more days-really! One day will never be enough. I was hoping to make a trip back to NH in September this year but other things have to be taken care of first! Like a knee replacement surgery.
Love your little stool.
I like how your crock bench turned out...love the new color.
Oh how I would love to go to New England. I've never been there, but often dream about making the trip one day.
Janet you have done an amazing job on your new pin keeps!!! I just love your new stool it looks perfect right where you have it. Thank you so much for joining my new blog I really appreciate it. Have a GREAT day!!
I love your pinkeeps, you have sure been keeping busy doing them. Love your stool and crock bench as well. Have a wonderful getaway. I so want to go to New England someday.
Hi Janet. Oh you will love it up there in the fall. There's no better place to be than New England in autumn! Don't forget the camera because the colors are amazing. In NY the peak color weekend is the 3rd weekend in Oct. You'll have to go a bit earlier if your going further north.
I love your newest xstitch. Is it a Jenny Hoffman? You do a beautiful job on them.
Your crock shelf looks wonderful and the little stool looks great with the chair!
Stay cool my friend. They're talking about upper 70's here next week!!!!
WOW Janet where do I start .... love all your new cross stitch projects....didn't you just recently start to stitch ??
Love the little stool & the make do chair !! Your crock bench looks great the new color.....and
a trip to NE woo hoo !!
Will email soon to catch up.
Hugs ~ Connie xox
Janet, Beautiful X-stitch pieces. Great makeover!
Janet your little pinkeeps are just so lovely. I'm glad your having fun!!
I think your going to need more than one night away in NE ~ what a beautiful trip you'll have. Can't wait to see pictures.
I'm happy to be back in this warm weather. It was freezing in CA! Although it put me in the mood for fall ~ it sure felt like it...they were having cold weather while the rest of the country was melting away. I'm just not ready for school to start again yet. Summer is going by to quickly!
Can't wait to see more of your work. Oh and I love the color of your crock bench. It fits right in with your home and of course it is displayed beautifully :)
Have a great day!!
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