July 1st, wow, time just marches on doesn't it? It seems just yesterday I was whining about Winter being overwith and here we are on the fast track to Fall! With Sunday being the 4th, I wanted to wish everyone a Happy Independence Day! Here in Hanover County, Virginia, certain fireworks are still legal but folks still set off the illegal ones and it drives me crazy!! They shoot those things into the air that explode and I swear I must need a tranquilizer or something because I'm a nervous wreck the entire evening! The houses here are just 20 feet apart and no place to be launching explosives into the air!! There are several police officers that live here in our neighborhood yet the laws are not enforced and it is beyond frustrating!! There are so many public fireworks displays everywhere, I wish that folks would be satisfied enjoying some of those! But above all of the picnics and BBQs and fireworks displays, let us be thankful for the men and women who continue to fight for our freedom.
A couple of weeks ago I received a fabulous surprise in the mail. The flag and holder you see pictured was a gift from my sweet friend
Pat! I know I've mentioned before the wonderful things that she and her husband creates and this is one of them! The wooden base was made by her husband and I just think it's stunning! Thank you again Pat!
It seems that many of us are getting a temporary break from the extreme heat, whatta relief! I know many who do not enjoy the Summer heat and are wishing for the seasons to change but a sweet friend reminded me the other day that we should not wish our lives away hoping for time to pass but instead cherish every moment! Growing old is a privilege denied to many and there's a reason today is called the "present", it is a gift from the universe, and we should try to do something that makes us happy every single day! Have a safe and joyous weekend!
Happy Independence Day, Janet!
Have a great weekend, friend!!!!!!
Hi Janet-seems we share the same problem and not even in the same neighborhood! We have an Indian Reservation about 16 miles from us and they sell the really big fireworks-illegal to take them from the res but it doesn't stop people! Makes me mad as each year starting tomorrow I have to board our hunting dog mind you, at the local vet until next Tuesday. He's a great bird hunter but knows the difference between the gun and the fireworks. We have a few neighbors that just go over the top with their personal displays and I'm worried about the closeness of the houses as well! It's getting so I dread this holiday and I don't want to feel that way! People forget the meaning of every holiday as it is.
You're right about not wishing our lives away-we finally just got warm weather here in Idaho and I promised not to complain once it hit!
Have a safe and wonderful 4th!
Happy Independence Day to you too. Be safe. Dianntha
Hi, Janet ~ what a beautiful display for Independence Day. I hope the illegal fireworks don't drive you over the edge this year, lol. Seriously, they are very dangerous. Have a safe and Happy
4th weekend.
Happy Independance Day Dear Friend, hope you have your ear plugs at the ready!
What lovely gifts from Pam, good friends are one of life's treasures!
Your right Janet ~ everyday is a blessing. It goes by too fast! Hope you have a wonderful 4th minus the crazy fireworks. Hugs ~ Jenn
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