we recently had to purchase a new microwave because the old one FINALLY quit working! I had been wishing for the day to come when I could buy a new one....hubs bought the old Panasonic microwave shortly before we met, we're talking early 80's, and this thing was huge with wood grain and everything! LOL....the stand we had it on was no better so needless to say this is a vast improvement!!....I was really having trouble deciding on whether or not to get it in the stainless steel finish but seeing as all of our appliances are white, we went with white....the door to the left there is the pantry, and the doorway on the right is to the mud room

well that's what we've been up to!....also, I added a new folder to my Picture Trail today....since I have recently taken up cross stitch, I will be able to offer my own handmades from time to time!....I have one completed pinkeep in there that I just finished up last evening....the link to my Picture Trail is over there to the right in my sidebar>>>>>
ok so as I'm sitting here typing, the WeatherBug temp on my task bar has turned red and is reading 103°!!....that's ridiculous!!!....stay safe out there!

Janet - Don't burn anything in your new microwave - you are going to be surprised at how much faster it cooks/warms things. I've had 2 struck by lightning so I'm pretty current on microwaves! I love the cabinet for the new one - VERY NICE. ~Ann
your boards look fantastic and your husband is so talented with his building. I love both cubbies. I'm off to check your picturetrail again. I love pics of your beautiful home.
Hi Janet-I know what you're talking about with the microwave you just replaced! You discribed my old one to a "T" and it still is working but I made my hub take it to a job trailer so the guys could heat up lunches and I told him not to bring it back! LOL
My new one looks like yours too.
Love your coat hangy thingy as well!
Have a great day.
Hey, I had one of those huge woodgrained microwaves too. It lasted way too long! Love all your primitives.
Congratulations on your new addition...our microwave I bought for $10 bucks used, in the 80's also...it has a dial to set the minutes!! I LOVE the new cabinet! How wonderful he can make those things for you and they look great. We finally got our heat, it's 88 degrees right now at 9:25 p.m. ~ yeah!! Have a great week and keep that a/c running.
Sending hugs ~ Jenn
Your hubs did a fantastic job on those pieces!! I have a similar trash bin but I LOVE the added shelf!! :> )
Whew! It's goin' to be another hot one so I will be a hermit today and stay inside.
Stay cool!!!
I hope your managing to keep cool in the heat, by all means send it onto me if it gets too much!
Don has done a fantastic job on the microwave stand and the "peg board thingy", still makes me smile when you describe it that way, lol.
Love your new hand mades, I went on over to picturetrail and left you a comment against your new piece.
Have a great day,
Great job!!! Your husband is very talented. I really like all of his carpenter work. I like your wall display too. Very nice!!
It is so nice to get new things and I am like you, I use them until they don't work anymore. It seems the older appliances lasted longer than the new ones do.
Stay cool inside.
What a great job on your new stand!! And I love the early coat rack. Hummm.... looks familiar? i love it in black too!
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