I hope everyone is enjoying their extended weekend if you're having one! Hubs is home here today so I have had him help me hang some cutting boards and breadboards I've gathered for a kitchen wall display above the new microwave stand that he recently completed.
we recently had to purchase a new microwave because the old one FINALLY quit working! I had been wishing for the day to come when I could buy a new one....hubs bought the old Panasonic microwave shortly before we met, we're talking early 80's, and this thing was huge with wood grain and everything! LOL....the stand we had it on was no better so needless to say this is a vast improvement!!....I was really having trouble deciding on whether or not to get it in the stainless steel finish but seeing as all of our appliances are white, we went with white....the door to the left there is the pantry, and the doorway on the right is to the mud room

I knew as soon as we were able to get a new microwave that I would have him make a new stand for it!

he designed it to hold the paper grocery bags that we use to hold our recyclables....before we just had the bags sitting on the floor next to the old microwave stand so now they are out of sight which is quite nice! those marks on the floor are from the old stand and won't come off!....he also made that little red cabinet a few years ago

this next piece is what I call the coat rack peg rail thingy cuz I don't know what it's really called, I just know that I've seen them around and wanted to have one so hubs made it for me a couple of months ago....the doll was made by my friend

a close-up of the finish....we did red, then crackle medium, then black, but for some reason it didn't crackle as much as I've had it do in the past when I've used it

well that's what we've been up to!....also, I added a new folder to my Picture Trail today....since I have recently taken up cross stitch, I will be able to offer my own handmades from time to time!....I have one completed pinkeep in there that I just finished up last evening....the link to my Picture Trail is over there to the right in my sidebar>>>>>
ok so as I'm sitting here typing, the WeatherBug temp on my task bar has turned red and is reading 103°!!....that's ridiculous!!!....stay safe out there!