Well that's another American Idol overwith for another year and CONGRATULATIONS LEE!!!!!!!!!!!....he really is what the show is all about and I can't wait to hear his album!!! Crystal is so very talented and I wish they both could have won!!! The show certainly won't be the same without Simon Cowell will it and I wonder who the heck will they get to fill his seat! Hopefully it will be someone in the music industry because having someone who isn't just seems odd to me...like Ellen for example....sure she's funny and all that but what exactly is the point of her being there??....oh well that's just my take! Tonight So You Think You Can Dance begins and I enjoy that show too but American Idol is my favorite.
Also, for those who have been waiting for the Tobacco Cloth Panel Curtains to arrive, they're here!

They arrived yesterday afternoon and in all three lengths! Thank you again to
Pam for permitting me to use her picture!
I hope everyone has a wonderful Memorial Day weekend and remember to fly your American flag proudly to honor those who have served our country so bravely!
Hi Janet....I don't watch Idol but have been keeping up from the news about it. I too, think they need a musical background person to replace him.
LOVE THE PANELS...i have them in my dining room and have some being shipped as I type this for the rest of the house. Aren't they the greatest.
Janet, I've been waiting to see what you would say about Idol! I'm with you about the whole show. Wish they both could have won, I was in tears watching Lee, he is so humble, and I love his style and the same with Crystal; I believe she will go places too. Her style takes me back to my younger days-lots younger as of tomorrow! :) Anyway, it's been fun seeing how our tastes are the same. On to the next one-"So you think you can Dance!" Don't watch much tv, but do have a handful of favorites-it's the time I get my hand sewing projects worked on!
Have a safe Memorial Day!
Sheila @ Seasons of Thy Heart and
Country Impressions selling blog
Hi Janet ~~
Great Show last night....very emotional, loved seeing Paula back and most of the winners. Hate to see Simone go but that's me I hate change. Wishing all good things for both Lee & Crystal. Paul saw the commercial for SYTYCD and said "Gee I get No Reprieve" lol I'm so happy it starts tonight
love that show too.
Have a Great Week-End !!
Sending Patriotic Hugs ~~ Connie xox
The curtains are just lovely...When I get ready I think that will be a good choice for my living room. Blessings, Dianntha
Hiya' Janet ! Last nights Idol was awesome ! It's going to be soooo different without Simon ! I too hope they get someone who knows the industry. Sure wish they'd get Paula back too....she may have been quacky at times but she added a lil special something to the show. Was happy to see Lee win...Love him and he is such an awesome singer.Crystal will deff. have a future in music as well. Oh and as for those curtains ! AWESOME ! I need to hop on over to your website and check out what all you have. I've been looking for one of those metal book clamp candle holders...Do you have those ? Hope you have a wonderful day !
Love the curtains Janet! You have so many cute things, I need to order some goodies for my summer decorating. ~ Have a great long weekend!!!
I've never watched Idol so I can't contribute anything but I want to wish you and your family a happy and safe Holiday weekend. I'll be getting more panels from you soon.
Can't wait to get my panel, no doubt I will want more!!
Never watched Idol before---will take your word for it.....
I hear birthday wishes are in order so here they are;
★ Linda ★
I heard from a very good source,
that it is your birthday...
Happy Birthday! I hope you
have a great one!
Bear Hugs~Karen
Hope you are having a wonderful birthday, my friend.
Happy Birthday..Janet.
May you be blessed with many many more....
Hi Janet! I hope you had a wonderful holiday weekend and what a nice way to finish it with your birthday! Sending warm hugs and happy wishes! Jenn
p.s. Love the curtains.
p.s.s I'm sad Idol is over...I'm going to miss Simon and his ways. I hope they get someone good.
I love the curtains!! I am so glad that I found your blog, I'll be back often to check in!
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