Well there it went!....Christmas has come and gone for yet another year....it all goes by much too quickly for me!....we spent a few hours with our kids at their apartment and I managed to get a picture of all 5 of us....I am being brave in posting it because you have no idea how much I hate pictures of myself, yuck!....I'd much rather take pictures of my decorating, LOL....ok, next stop 2009!
Hi, I just found your blog! What a wonderful family you have:)
Love your decorating and your website too...great prices and all look so prim.
Have a wonderful New Years♥
Hi Janet ~~ What a Great Picture of your Family,You all look so good ~ Thanks for sharing !!!
I too hate my picture taken, and rather take pics of the cabin and my decorations. My eight year old granddaughter Taylor received a camera for Christmas and proceeded to walk around her house taking pics of all their decorations. My son said what the heck is this...pictures of bowls and baskets. lol
My DIL said I think shes coping what your Mom does. Ha~Ha
Hugs ~ Connie xox
PS I just noticed you guys are having Spring in your area too. EnJoy !
I was going to write "Becareful what you wish for " (in answer to your comment on my blog..LOL!) but then everyone should have their wishes come true!!!A "freak" snowstorm will come your way one day when you least expect it!! I love that you posted your picture... you are so pretty...and a beautiful family to boot!! To put a face to a name is great. I have learned to enjoy the "build-up" before Christmas as the day itself is gone in a blink...and when it is over I am ready to move on - Happy New Year and many blessings for 2009 !!! Hugs, Judy
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