This weekend's goal is to get the foyer and living/family room ceilings painted...not an easy task because of the vaulting but it hadn't been painted since the house was built 8 years ago and there is no better time to paint since all of the furniture had to be moved out anyway for the new floor that will be installed later this month.
I've worked all week on getting decor items packed away as well as moving furniture into our bedroom, kitchen, and breakfast nook. Here's what the family room usually looks like...

...alot of stuff!

And here's what it looks like today...empty!

The only thing that isn't getting moved just yet is the big black entertainment cabinet because it is unbelieveably heavy!...that thing is next to impossible to move, it's insane! we covered it with a drop cloth, that and the fireplace mantel and hearth...the plan is to move the entertainment cabinet just around the corner into the kitchen/nook area just before we paint the walls in 2 weeks...need to give the ceiling paint time to cure so we can tape it off safely in order to paint the walls. I was thinking that I may have wanted to change the wall color to a creamy neutral but I'm just not ready to give up my sage green!...the name of it is Weeping Willow for cryin' out loud! we will just give it a fresh 2 coats of the same.
Here is hubs painting the highest part...normally when we paint walls, he cuts in and I roll...but he spared me from the neck straining task of the ceiling.

The wood floor install has been scheduled to begin on the 27th...they are going to deliver the wood on the 23rd to give it time to acclimate and at that time they will also lay my little bit of natural slate that I want in front of the front door here where the blue tape is on the carpet.

Still have the dining room and study to empty of furniture but at least the bulk of it is out of the way...we'll put the sofa and a few basics back until we paint the walls but having the room so empty is giving me a fresh perspective on where to place things when the time comes to put everything back...I want to simplify!
Well the 1st coat is now on the ceiling and the 2nd coat will go on Sunday...have a fantastic Labor Day weekend!
Wow, Janet ~ what alot of work but it will be well worth it. Your room looks HUGE without anything in it. How excited you must be to have it all finished, it's going to be so beautiful. Hang in there, my friend.
Love the green. I'm glad you're keeping it.
Your new room will look warm and inviting with the dark rich floors and the green paint.
What a load of work but in the end it will look gorgeous.
How Exciting!!! It will be a lot of work but I am sure it will be well worth it. When you installed our kitchen floor it seems like the rest of the house was such a mess...How does that happen. When we installed at one of the rentals it was easier, nothing to move!!! Have a good weekend!Dianntha
Well Janet is seems like you aren't lacking for something to do! So much work but it looks like it will be a wonderful change when completed. Don't work to hard~
I thought for sure you were going to say you were getting your neutral walls and wood floor together. You fooled me! What a huge project Janet - but oh when it is done... it is going to be so gorgeous. In the meantime I know it is a pain to live with all that - not easy living so disrupted! I hope the time passes quickly. HUGS!
Wow...moving everything is a lot of work!! We are going to being do the same thing here soon...we have hardwood floors under the carpet, so the carpet is coming up. I love hardwood floors and these seem to be in great condition. Can't wait to see your's all will be beautiful and so worth all your hard work!!
Happy Labor Day Janet !!
And Woo Hoo Don, love these guys who get right in there and get the job done. How I wish I lived close I'd be over there in a heart beat to help with the re-do, Tea in the afternoon Wine in the evening, LOL we'd have such Fun.
EnJoy the rest of the week-end.
Hugs ~ Connie xox
oh I'm so excited for you. I CAN'T WAIT to see the finish, especially the floors!
Happy Labor Day to you also :)
Jenn xo
Hi Janet...looking good!
Can't wait for the finished pictures.
I'm so excited for you Janet!!! I can't wait to see everything when you are finished.
Oh how beautiful this will be and just think you house will also be clean. That is always something I like when I am doing this kind of work. I am anxious to see the final product.
it already looks soooooo great.
like you, we worked on our home this IS LABAOR day! LOL.
How exciting, Janet! It's going to look fabulous when everything is completely done!!
I hope you enjoyed your Labor Day weekend and were able to find a little time for some relaxation!
Take care, my friend!
A Belated Happy Labor Day Dear Friend!
I cannot get over the height of your vaulted ceiling, I love high ceilings, but bless Don for doing the "manly" bit and painting it!
I can't wait to see it all finished, once it's done you can sit back and admire the hard work both of you have put in.
Hi Janet, I love the fact you have a mauve rug in your living room!...
I thought I was the only one in the world who had that. I have one in my bedroom.
Your room is beautiful the way you have used light colors and florals and Colonial/Primitive items. Do I see a Crow Frame peeking out from Old Stone Furniture? I have had my eye on that. LOL
I know how hard it is to live with your home torn apart!!! UGH! But oh, is it ever worth it!!!
All I can say is;
It's goin to look AWESOME when it's finished, girl!!!! I can't wait...I'm so excited to see it....could I be more excited than you??? ;) Is that possibe????
I think it just might be!! *smile*
Have a wonderful evening!♥
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