...here's a closer pic of the wood...it's solid red oak, lightly hand scraped, 5" planks...I think it's going to be pretty!...they are supposed to get started bright and early Monday morning so I guess I will be a morning person for a few days next week, ha!

Earlier this week, I took an hour and half drive to go and pick up a piece of furniture I bought online...I have been looking for an antique pie safe for ages but every time I'd see one that I liked, either it was too expensive, or the tins had a design I didn't particularly care for, or it would be painted, or something!...but when I saw this primitive gem, it was love at first sight!

When it's time to put the furniture back in place, I'm going to omit several pieces and try to simplify, I've never been good at that so we'll see how that goes...but I am so anxious to decorate for Autumn!...I'm enjoying seeing all of your lovely pictures and I want to do it too!...Even though it's supposed to be 98° here today...WHAT??!!...yep you read that right...I certainly hope this is the last of the heat because I am tired of it!!
Well that's all for now, have a joyous weekend everyone!