Yesterday in the mail I received a most wonderful surprise! Hubs was home at the time, brought the mail in, and yelled to me, "you've got some Royal Mail here" I quickly ran into the kitchen where we sort our mail and there was a package from my dear friend
Karen in the UK....there were actually two packages but I was expecting one of them because it was something I purchased from her and I'll post about that another time but I opened up the surprise package first and this is what was inside:

a framed stitchery made by her hand with the fabric stained to perfection and the frame painted and distressed perfectly as well....the note that accompanied was so sweet and knowing that she made this just for me touched me to the point of tears....I wanted to find just the right spot for it so I began walking around the house and then it hit me, I've needed something in this spot for so long and it was just the right size!

when our house was built back in '02, our builder had this picture of our house painted onto a piece of slate and presented it to us as a gift a few months later, which completely blew me away, and it has been hanging here next to the front door above the light switch ever since....

....and it is the perfect spot for my newest treasure!....THANK YOU KAREN SOOOOO MUCH!!!!!
Happy Friday to all and a most joyous Easter weekend!!
Your Very Welcome My Friend.
Hi Janet,
What a sweet and thoughtful gift. There's no better gift than one made by the hand of a friend!
The painting of your home is amazing too. What a nice thing for your builder to do. I'll have to convince Ray to do something nice like that for his buyers! Hugs, Loretta
What a sweet and thoughtful friend. I love your stitchery & the slate.
How very thoughtful of Karen! It looks perfect next to your painted house picture!! Both are fabulous!!
Have a Happy Easter!!
Take care, my friend!
What a sweet gift! The late is awesome too! So nice of the builder to do something like that.
Take Care and hope you and yours have a very Blessed Easter,
That was sweet...good for you! Blessings, Dianntha
What a lovely and heartwarming surprise for you! It looks perfect where you placed it too and the sentiment of both the slate and the stitchery are just wonderful!
What a sweet generous gesture....handmade from the heart too! Love the picture of your Home Sweet Home...and you put it in the perfect spot!!! (hmmmm surprised you had an "empty" spot!!!) XO, Judy
What a great gift! Hope you have a wonderful Easter, Dawn
Janet ~~ How Sweet & Thoughtful of your far away Friend. I too love the slate of your home...very neat. They both look great hanging there.
Happy Easter My Friend ~~ xox
How thoughtful of her and a handmade gift is so special. It looks great where you put it.
Thank you for your kind words. I know what you are going through....I am there too. It isn't my child but my siblings...a child must be heartbreaking!!!
I pray you find peace with whatever you decide to do...I know it is difficult.
I can tell you I feel like a large backpack had been taken from me...and I am not picking it back up.
Blessings, Dianntha
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