Whew!...it's Saturday afternoon and I can relax for just a bit...my shoppe keeps me so busy most of the time and since the Post Office closes at noon here on Saturday, I feel like I can breathe just a bit because no orders can be mailed again until Monday...so I feel like the pressure is off for awhile once I've been to the Post Office on Saturday morning!
Alot has been going on here under the willow tree...we are still working on resolving the damage on our house that was caused by the roofers...had much of the siding replaced about a week ago and it's looking better...still not sure if there's anything that can be done about all of the tar scrapes they left on the brick portion...and we are going to make a trip to the nursery to replace the plants they trampled and ruined as well as replace the yard nicknacks they broke...whatta nightmare this has all been!
Also, it looks like our little family is going to get a bit smaller...daughter-in-law has decided she doesn't want to be married to our oldest son anymore and she has moved out of their home...isn't it just the worst thing seeing the kids hurting?...it's almost unbearable!
On a MUCH brighter note, I wanted to share with you some new things I've acquired recently. First there's my new make-do chair, isn't it lovely? It was made by Pat of
Olde Bittersweet Farm.

Yes the bedroom still has the mauve carpeting, we must not forget its awesomeness! LOL

I had an olde ladderback chair there filled with these dolls and I like the make-do chair better! I put the ladderback back in the family room where it originally was. While snapping pics, I thought I would add this one of our bed...I updated the bedding last year and never took a pic!

I've also added a couple new bears to my prim bear collection. The two newest are the smallest bear, made by Dru of Cinnamon Creek Cabin, seated on the lap of the larger bear she also made...and the bear on the left, his name is William, he was made by my friend Karen...he's quite lovely and she even knitted his scarf!...she's having an update on her selling blog on Sunday...here's the link,
Olde Cottage Primitives ...be sure to check it out!

I've also purchased a few new baskets from
Pam. First I ordered one of her twelve inch cheese baskets to hang above my antique pie safe.

Then I ordered one of her fourteen inch tobacco baskets and I think I like it better here but which do you think looks better? They are both beautiful baskets, I just am not sure which one looks better in this spot, maybe the answer is they both look good, who knows!

I also wanted to mention that cute little wax standing rabbit to the left of the spring pinkeep I made (pattern by Country Rustic Primitives)...the rabbit that is wearing the cloth tie is from Dana of
Homespun Treasures ...I purchased it and a tart from her but you should have seen all of the wonderful extras she included in my package!...oh my what a generous gal she is!...Thank You Dana!...everything she sent me is wonderful so I know you will not be disappointed with any purchase you make from her site!
Now back to Pam...when I ordered the cheese basket, she surprised me with a very special gift!...knowing how I love hearts and heart shaped things, she sent me a heart shaped basket that she made some time ago and I found a nice spot for it in the laundry room...doesn't it look cute there? (the camera flash created some strange glare/shadow off the dryer and onto the wall, there's not really a big white smear there, LOL)

I spend a fair share of my time in here and it brings a smile to my face every time I look at it, Thank You Pam!...oh and I also purchased this sweet little buttermilk painted basket, which I just love, from her!

As much as I dislike spring with all of its cootie bugs, stinging, flying, and otherwise, I must say that I find it a fun season to decorate for...I don't know why, but I've always had a "thing" for artificial flowers and greenery...is that weird?...does anyone else have this fetish?...I have uploaded all of my spring decorating pics to
my Picture Trail in an album titled "Spring Decorating 2011" so go on over and have a look and let me know what you think!
Thanks for visiting and have a joyous weekend!
Oh Janet, I am so sorry for the long ordeal you have had to go through because of the roofers. It just is not right.
And I am so sorry about your former DIL. My heart aches for you, your son and your family!!
Loving all your new goodies and tweaking. That chair is awesome! I like the tobacco basket on that wall because it's square shape is a nice contrast to the round buckets and firkin. But either looks great - Pam's baskets are just wonderful!
Take care my friend! HUGS!!
Hi Janet,
Everything looks wonderful!..I just visited your picture trail and the bunny pillow looks great in the make-do chair. It is so neat to my handmade in your home!.....sorry for your son, it is so hard to watch your kids hurting. I'll say a prayer for you and your family that time will heal. Have a great evening..
Hi Janet. I'm so sorry you are still having to deal with the damage done by the roofers last year! It's just not right!
I love both of Pam's tobacco baskets but I have to say the square one looks best on that wall. Love the heart basket too! Spring is probably the season I decorate the least for but I sure am enjoying looking at yours.
That is so sad about your son. It is so very hard to watch your kids suffer. Sending big hugs your way!
Love your new goodies. Beautiful pictures!
Janet ~ what an ordeal you are going through from those dang roofers. I sure hope everything can be fixed and back to normal. I'm sure the exterior of your home and yard are as lovely as the interior. Your decorating is gorgeous as always and I'm off to check your picturetrail. I am so sorry for what your son is going through. It is so painful when our children hurt, no matter their age and we feel absolutely helpless in a situation as this. take care and thanks for sharing.
So sorry to hear about your family. It must be so difficult. Your houaw ia looking good. I love your blue eggs! Glad you are back. Dianntha
I am one of your kindred spirits when it comes to decorating with faux flowers and greens during the spring! I don't have much of a green thumb, so artificial things in the house work much better for me.
Sorry for your son -- I do hope the adjustment is fast and as easy as possible -- we have the same thing going on with my brother now, and my heart breaks for him.
Love your new chair and your baskets.
Janet I'm so sorry you are still dealing with the damage the roofers did!! Boy they have really put you through it haven't they? I don't know why they have to be so destructive!!
I'm also sorry to hear about your son's marriage ending! That's always such a painful thing to go through.
Janet you are so sweet thank you so much for your kind words about my wares. I appreciate it so much. I'm glad you are enjoying your Spring goodies I sent you. You know how much I LOVE shopping on your site you have the best prim goodies. Matter of fact I've fixing to order a few more things.
I'm off now to check out your picturetrail I always look forward to your updates I just LOVE the way you decorate!!! Hope you are enjoying your weekend!!
I know the siding ordeal has taken its toll on you, which is really unfair, as this was all bought on by events out of your control.
As you know I love your make do chair and am still jealous of the fact you now have two!! You have it dressed beautifully and the baskets from Pam are stunning, I'm afraid am no help when choosing which display is better as they both look equally good.
Thinking of you all at the sad news of your son's marriage break up, when they hurt, we hurt.
Your Friend,
Don't you just breath a sigh of relief once you get everything mailed. I'm feeling that way this weekend also...all caught up for once. Taxes are just about finished (hate doing those)
I'm still so sorry about your pretty house. People can be so careless and then you have to deal with it. At least the inside is looking BEAUTIFUL!! You have so many lovely things. Pam's tobacco baskets are wonderful...I couldn't decide either which looked better either...you'll just have to take turns.
Enjoy whats left of your weekend.
Warm hugs ~ Jenn
and prayers for your family and son....a hard thing to be going through :(
Your spring decorating looks wonderful!
Thats terrible about the roofer's. Good help is hard to find. I always seem to get the bad carpenters.
By the way...I am with you on the mauve bedroom rug. I have the exact shade! It's on my future "to do" list...but heh..who see's the bedroom right?
Have a great day!
UGH...I'm sorry you're still dealing with that siding/roofers problem. That's just terrible. STRESSFUL.
Very sorry to read about your son-it's so hard being a mom sometimes, isn't it? We feel what they feel....((hugs))
I love all your SPRING touches and wonderful goodies!
Hi Janet, I am sorry to hear that you are still dealing with the mess of your roofers. That's just not fair.
And your son, he's in my thoughts b/c actually this weekend my brother did the same thing your daughter-in-law did. I am up in arms at what to do with him and how to think. He's ripped our family apart and is only thinking of himself. My poor siste-in-law is devestated b/c she never seen it coming. I have alot of anger built up inside me for the way he did it and how bad he hurt her.
On a good note all your spring decorating looks great and it's always nice to be able to use some greens and fake flowers around the home. No watering right!!!!
Take care!
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