Well I have been so busy I haven't known which end is up! There was a hectic couple of weeks where I was adding new product to my web shoppe, which has been very busy lately, so I've been packing orders like crazy. Then last Monday, the 15th, my computer started acting strangely and I spent all day diagnosing the problem which ended up being a stinkin' virus!! what??!! In my thirteen years of being online I have never had a virus! I had McAfee anti-virus software installed too which did not alert me to anything so now I have Norton's which I'm hoping will be better. The next day, on Tuesday, I decided that I had no other choice but to reformat my hard drive. For those of you who aren't sure what that means exactly, it means that you delete absolutely everything from your computer's hard drive (that is where all information is stored) and I mean EVERYTHING....even the operating system. You have to start completely from scratch, which I dare say is a challenge even for myself who I fancy as somewhat computer literate! LOL. You have to reinstall drivers for alot of the hardware in the computer and not to mention all of the software and updates. Needless to say, it is extremely time consuming!! So I am just now getting around to making a blog post about a trip I took to my favorite antique store shortly before Valentine's Day. Here is what I purchased:

The crock because I liked its size, it wasn't expensive, and I am always looking for this size of container to plop a plant in or some artificial greenery or flowers in. The hog scraper style candlestick because it's really heavy and because I have a candleholder fetish. Then the most fun is this old checkerboard....I saw it there when I visited a week or so before Christmas and I was already buying a few things and didn't want to spend the money that day so I told myself this time that if that board was still there it was coming home with me so I guess it was meant to be! I just love it....it's a really old piece of thick wood with a faint checkboard painted onto it. I picture in my head this board sitting on top of a whiskey barrel in a log cabin with someone on either side of it playing the game many moons ago. I don't know how old it is but it looks pretty darn old! Here's a closer pic of it:

I will probably use it as a display surface on the coffee table or maybe lean it somewhere, I just think it's cool.
Well I know most of you have had enough of winter and I'm seeing cute little bunnies being sewn and created and all things spring are what everyone is buying. I told myself that I am not going to buy one more bunny because for one thing, I already have plenty, and another thing, they are a symbol of spring which is actually my very least favorite season and I'll tell you why!
Winter is just so calming to me in many ways and then when spring comes it's like all hell breaks loose, LOL. First of all, have you noticed that when it snows everything is so quiet? Aside from that, during the winter season everyone is indoors more and I can tell you that living in a subdivision that makes for so much more peace and quiet. Once the weather starts warming up it's pretty much chaos all around with children playing in the street, balls bouncing into the yard, breaking the plants I spent good money on, bouncing into the cars parked on the driveways and denting them, and sometimes breaking windows. Oh and the absolute worst part of spring is all of the insects that come out of everywhere! I am deathly afraid of wasps and there are tons of them around here....we had them in California too though....I just hate them and they scare me to death! I've tried to come up with ways to manage my fear of them but have not succeeded....I read that they eat spiders so that is one score point in their column, LOL. But in spring every flying stinging biting cootie imagineable is around and I despise that with a passion! So I am NOT looking forward to saying farewell to winter, my very most favorite season!
I'll probably weaken though and buy a damn bunny cuz they're just so friggin' cute, LOL! Have a great weekend!
UGH! Computers...you can't live with them and you can't live without them!
I'm glad to hear that you have everything back up and working.
Your found items are fantastic. I have yet to find a hog scraper candle holder...so I am so coveting yours right now!
That checkerboard is a great find. I love the petina of the wood.
Enjoy your weekend!
Great finds Janet! Love that old game board and it does look old! I love Spring cuz everything comes alive, but totally understand the deal with the bugs. I am also afraid of wasps..(allergic) and run when I see one!
Love your new finds!
Hi Janet!
Dang viruses anyway! That's a lot of work- reformatting...I honestly think a lot of the problems stem from FB! Just my opinion!!
I love your new gooddies! great game board.
I am NOT a 'lover' or winter at all, not even a 'liker'! LOL!
I used to live in CA too, and hated it out there! Love the east much better.
I guess when it snows pretty much non-stop for months and months, ya just get tired of it...as for spring, not my fave season either...don't like the MUD...don't mind the buds and greeness tho!;)
did ya get your TC curtains?
hmmm... seems I'm rambling today!! Oh Lucky YOU-hehe!
Have a great day!♥
Oh, I love what you got at the antique store, love that checkerboard too.
We are getting snow right now so I'm a little tired of winter...I like spring because of the colors it brings but the neighbors down the long driveway love to use the road for their quad. I agree about the noise it brings:)
You lucky girl, what great finds!
I bet that checkerboard is old!
Looks like it has sawblade grooves in it. I have an
old hog scraper candle holder that needs repair, I have had it for years; it's packed up somewhere. You can never have too many crocks, just ask this crockaholic!
Bear Hugs~Karen
So glad you got your computer up & running but it sure sounds like alot of work & way over my head, hehe. Love your new antiques and that game board is wonderful. Speaking of bunniew ~ that's what I'm working on now. Finished a large basket this am, staying in where it's warm.
LOVE your new finds!! Especially the old hogscrper, next time you go to your antiques store remember you friend across the pond, LOL! I know it was a headache for you your computer going down, but your one clever lady to get it all up and running again, I really hope that you don't have any more problems with it. Nice to have you back in "blog land"! Blessings and hugs, Karen
I love your finds, especially the checker board. It will look great on your coffee table.
I absolutely hate winter and we have had the worst one in years, by our standards and more snow tomorrow. I am ready for May which is nice here except for the tornadoes.
Enough rambling.
Have a great weekend.
Hi Janet, maybe your checkerboard came from an old general store - still on a whiskey barrel. Oh yes, who can resist at least one new bunny? As for me, I CAN'T WAIT for spring to get here and see some green grass and flowers! Have a great weekend, Dawn
I love that checkerboard! Great find.
Janet...my computer is in the shop right now,,same issue!! It is a pain but it just wasn't going to run!
I don't care for spring mainly because there is just so much more to do...getting all the gardens up and running..yard..you get the picture. Blessings, Dianntha
Janet .. you have been on my mind...between the Snow, NASCAR and Idol, hope you are enjoying all of your favorite things. Love all your finds...I'm with Karen can never have too many crocks. lol
Good for you....being able to FIX your computer problems, I shudder at the thought of any virus.
Hugs ~ Connie xox
LOL!! Your description of why you hate spring made me laugh. I wonder if that is how I sound when I talk about summer! LOL
I don't ming winter either as long a smy family is not driving in it. I like the quiet and being inside and nesting too.And I hate bugs too!!
Your goodies are wonderful - especially that crock!!
Enjoy the weekend my friend!!
Ha ha you are so funny! I love your post!
I'm sorry your not happy about winter coming to an end but I have to say warm days are coming anyways ~ ha hah! Thank goodness!! We've had more snow and heard that March is predicted to be bad also. I love winter but after this February Im done with this one.
I'm also sorry about your computer, they are such a pain sometimes but we can't live without them though...that would be so much worse. How did we do it in the 80's?? I love all my bloggy friends.
It's been crazy busy on this end also. I would never think of February being a busy month and its always a surprise to me that it is.
Well I'm glad your doing well. I love all your new finds. Have a great weekend (boy did I talk to much on this post!)
Warm hugs to you ~ Jenn xoxo
Hi Janet! I'm so glad everything is up and running again for you.
I love the crock, checkerboard and candlholder.
I know what you mean about all the flying critters! I hate bugs that jump at you like grasshoppers or crickets. That freaks me out! I also hate bugs that fly right at you like Japanese beetles that get caught in your hair. (shiver) I do love being in the garden though and after this storm I'll be happy to see winter go.....until Christmas anyway :)Hugs, Loretta
Great finds at the antique store. I think the game board is just awesome.
I got a kick out of your reasons for not liking Spring. I on the other hand like Spring just for the fact that I can get my crazy, wild kids outside. Haha.
Have a great week.
Hello Friend, thanks again for your lovely comments on the bedroom pictures. Aren't I glad that you ordered the pillowcases when you did, especially with them now being discontinued! Now the Patriotic Candle Stick Lamp your asking after, well that was a buy from a friend who was selling it on, but I do believe she got it from American Heritage, I think I passed the link onto you a couple of weeks ago, if I didn't let me know and I will forward it to you again. If you can't find one there then I know a man who can make you one!
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