Yesterday we went on a little day trip. I decided that it was time for me to place my order for a chair that I've been dreaming of having for several years now. I've recently sold some things on Craigslist and had enough for the deposit on the chair and we're planning a big yard sale this month on the 19th and will then have enough to pay for the remainder. It's a
Lawrence Crouse Sack Back Rocking Chair, they're made in West Virginia.

I actually have always wanted just the chair version but it will be replacing a bentwood style rocking chair that husband always sits in when his clothes are too dirty to sit on the upholstered furniture. It will set in a corner of the living room and the rocking chair is easier to slide on the carpet as he likes to pull the rocker out away from the corner to be closer to the tv and all that, so I decided to pay a little more money and get the rocking chair as opposed to the regular chair. It will be done in black over red with a crackle finish, which is the standard finish for this chair. I am so anxious to finally see it in my home, I don't think I'll be able to believe my eyes!
There were a few places to purchase it from and I chose a shoppe called
Village Americana, it's located in a little town called Occoquan (pronounced Ah-ka-kwan) in Northern Virginia. It's about an hour and a half drive from us here in the Richmond area and whenever we go up that way we always try to time it so that we can eat at
The Original Pancake House which is located in Falls Church. Now that's a bit further, maybe another 20mins. to half an hour but oh is it worth it!
When we lived in Southern California, we used to go to this place called The Pancake House, it was in Anaheim, and it was in an old house that was converted into a restaurant with the same lady taking names and seating people week after week, year after year. We thought it was a proprietorship and had no idea at the time that it was a chain! of their specialties is Apple Pancake and oh my goodness is it ever special indeed! It's kind of a bowl shaped pastry dough filled with apple slices that have been baked in a sugary cinnamon glaze, yum! It's not sweet like apple pie would be, you can really taste the apples and cinnamon, it's just a wonderful treat and super filling! Here's a picture of one from their web site:

Yum yum yum! when we moved to Virginia we were amazed to learn that there was a place called The Original Pancake House and it served apple pancake! Come to find out, there are about 100 of these restaurants across the country! Since it's a bit of a drive we don't get to go that often but since we were going up that way yesterday we were able to go and have our apple pancake. Our youngest son, Michael, joined us. He's 19 and is back home with us after moving out to see what that felt like, LOL. The grocery store he works in was closed for Labor Day and he decided to spend his day off with his old folks. Here is a picture I took yesterday as we arrived at The Pancake House, that is husband and Michael standing near the entrance. That place was packed and there was about a 25min. wait so wait we did.

After our apple pancakes we then drove to Occoquan. Here is a picture I took of the main street there:

It's a quaint little town with TONS of shoppes. There are a few places to eat there as well and a couple of them overlook this creek:

A picturesque little place indeed. Of course we were stuffed from eating our apple pancake so we did not eat there and since I was with the guys who aren't big shoppers, to say the least, I wasn't able to spend the kind of time there I usually do when my gal pal and I go but I wanted to pop into my 3 favorite shoppes. Here's a picture of husband standing on the corner, not sure why he had his hands on his hips LOL....and that is son Michael in the red shirt.

So after I placed the order for my chair I did a whirlwind tour of my 3 favorite shoppes. They mostly have stuff that I also sell in my own shoppe and I enjoy seeing the displays, but sometimes I run across something I haven't seen which is fun and they often times have a few antiques and handmades mixed in which is fun too. I have a "thing" for little benches and couldn't resist this wonderully heavy olde oak bench I spotted. I also purchased a cute little handmade pin cushion. In another store I found an olde boot jack that was priced well. I remember passing one up in a local antique store, going back for it and it was gone, and have regretted that for quite some time so when I saw this one I had to buy it. Here's a picture of my purchases:

Well by this time the guys had walked all around and were ready to get going so we headed back home. I returned home to find several orders waiting to be filled so I got right to work and started packing them up. With the long weekend, I haven't been to the Post Office since Saturday so my vehicle is loaded up and I'm off to the Post Office and to Fedex.

Have a great week everyone!
Oh I'll bet you're so tickled about that chair...I LOVE-LOVE-Looooove it, Janet!
Sounds like a wonderful day trip! :)
Thanks for sharing with us.
Oh Janet that rocker is gorgeous. You have to post when it's in your living room!
What a sweet little town full of wonderful prim shops.
The plates you sent me are beautiful and look great in my kitchen! Thank you for getting them out to me so quickly.
Hugs, Loretta
Hi Janet, Sounds like you had fun at Occoquan,haven't been there for years.We use to go often when we lived in Warrenton many yrs.ago.such a quaint little town.
Love the rocking chair.
Janet ~
I LOVE that chair and what a wonderful day. Prim shopping ~ nothing better. I just love little towns like that.
Oh Wow - you lucky gal!! What a gorgeous piece of furniture. ENJOY!!
I used to love the Apple Pancake at the Pancake House we stopped at in Columbia, SC YUMMO! What a wonderful day trip!!
I love the rocker that you are getting!!
Sounds like you had a wonderful time in looks like a very charming place. And the apple pancakes sound so yummy!!
You had ask me about how I was doing with eating certain foods after having my gallbladder removed. For the most part, I'm doing really good, but what few fatty foods I've eaten have bother me...and yes the cheescake got me! (And cheesecake is my all time favorite food. Luckily I usually only have it on my birthday and our anniversary.)
What a busy/fun day you had! I love all the pictures. What a pretty town and now I'm craving that apple pancake! Have you ever tried to make it? I have a recipe for a baked pancake but it doesn't look the same. I guess I'm just going to have to go try it :)
Have a great weekend!
p.s I LOVE your new chair also!
Your rocker is a beautiful piece of Furniture.
We used to have your Apple Pancake years ago, they are so delicious.
Such a fun day trip!
Hi Janet ~~ Congratulation on ordering your chair...its a Beauty. And a very comfortable one too...I'm sure Don is going to be happy with the fit and you the look. Crouse chairs are built
to antique in the making, one I hope your Grands will be sitting in one day.
Your day-trip sounded just great, sweet town, your favorite guys, and a brunch that is making my mouth water. lol
Hugs ~ Connie xox
I just love that chair. This is my first visit and I really enjoyed your blog.
Hi Janet!!! I love your new rocker!!! It is beautiful!
Now............ about the pincushion you purchased!!! Was it by chance in a shop called Glory Be? LOL I make those for her shop! I was chatting with a friend this morning and she said she saw this on your blog and thought it looked like one of mine! So I had to check it out! I just ran across you blog yesterday but didn't scroll down far enough to see it. What a nice surprise!!!
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