Anyway, back to my current car....after driving an Accord for nearly 17 years, I wanted something a little different and went for the Highlander and I love it! Here in Virginia you are required to have your car inspected annually and have to display the current inspection sticker on your windshield....here's where my story gets ugly. The first time they put the sticker on they put it down so low that it was virtually impossible to remove the next time and when they did they left a bunch of goo all over those black dots that are down there on a windshield which bugged the crap outta me....I tried to clean the goo off myself but it was REALLY difficult, so the next year I told them to please be careful about placing the sticker....I even asked them if they could just give me the sticker to put on and they said no because a state certified inspector has to do it....ok so here's the really ugly part....last year when I picked up my car from being serviced and inspected, there were gouges and cut marks on the dash up there underneath where the sticker is placed, OMG!!....I freaked out!....I try to take REALLY good care of things so they are like new as long as possible so to have damage occur was beyond upsetting to me! Of course I complained and they told me that they could either have it repaired or give me a whole 'nother dash. So I went back with an appointment to consult with their interior repair specialist and he told me that the windshield would have to be removed for him to properly get to that area....I'm like, yeah right, I'm really gonna let you guys remove my windshield. My fear was that it would never be as good as new so I declined the repair and no way was I going to let them rip my dash apart so the damage is still there, it's not horrible, but it's there and it shouldn't be!! So here we are in May once again, time for another inspection which I am TOTALLY dreading and here I am holding my breath, waiting to see what condition my car will be returned to me in. I took it back to the same place, which is the dealer, because believe it or not, it's actually the best place around here to have it done!
Well there's my rant....it feels good to let it out....happy Friday everyone!
**UPDATE** so far so good, above mentioned vehicle has been returned with no further damage detected!
You can rant ole anytime! :)
I am happy
everything was A-OK.
Have a great weekend, Janet!
Hooray, no more damages. That's all unbelievable! Have a really, really happy Mother's Day, Dawn
OMGosh Janet I feel your frustration....we went through something similar when the 'dealer' broke our windshield on our NEW Toyota Sienna - they said they didn't but we proved they did when they repaired something because the impact mark was right where they were doing the work - from the inside under the rubber seal on the window...duh!!!! Well they replaced the windshield free but now we have horrible air noise from a lousy replacement job.
WHY ARE WE ALWAYS AT THE MERCY OF 'THEM'....Now I'm ranting...lol
Good luck this time kiddo.
Happy Mother's Day to you! My hubby gave me lavender and foxglove plants and tomorrow we are digging up a new spot for a flower garden. Can't wait! We've been working in the yard all morning and it feel so good to get outside. Going to my folk's later to spend time with parents, children and grandchildren. Should be a fun evening. Dawn
Well girly, we're down to the final 3 on both shows. What do you think? I'm still cheering for Danny and Kris, but I'm just afraid... You know who might just sneak in there. As for DWTS, I think it might be the French guy. What do you think?
I worked outside yesterday and only got 1/2 of the sod off the spot where I'm putting a new garden. What a job!! I got the biggest blister and decided it was time to stop for the day. Today I had to bag up all the sad for garbage day tomorrow. If it doesn't rain, I'll start in again tomorrow.
Have a great day! Dawn
Tonight will tell the tale on Idol. I just have a feeling that Kris will go and Adam will stay, unfortunately! I sure hope I'm wrong. We'll touch base tomorrow and see who it's down to! Have a great day, Dawn
Tonight's the night. Who do you think is going to go? I'll be tuned in! Just wanted to let you know that we don't put our yard waste in plastic, we have to use special paper lawn bags and the recycling truck picks them up. I've still got the other whole side of that garden to take the sod off - what a job! Oh well, it will be worth it in the end. Enjoy Idol, Dawn
I couldn't believe that Danny was the one to go tonight! I'm also rooting for Kris and, who knows, there could be a real upset! (The judges sure won't like it though.) I'm sure sorry that it will be over next week, it give us something to look forward to watching! Have a great day, Dawn
Hi Janet,
We have the same inpection system here and I would be livid if they runined my dash board too!!
I am not going to PA in August - it's too close to the birth of Liliana, and DH can't away at that time either I am not going to make it this time around. It is WORTH the drive up to Aunt Daisys though - bring your bank book!!
hugs, Linda
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