Here we have a patriotic display that includes faux geraniums, tea stained flags, and the little redware pitcher which are all available in my shoppe!
this corner chair that sits in the dining room is from Sturbridge Yankee Workshop and the American Flag pillow from my shoppe adds a nice touch!

on the foyer table I have a few handmades along with the Charleston lamp, this one's mine but there is current stock available in my shoppe!
summer pinkeep made by me, several years ago, from a Country Rustic Primitives pattern
what we've named the folk art cabinet is one of my favorite furniture pieces made by hubs...the lavender in the tin pitcher is available in my shoppe!
some of my favorite primitives
faux berries, an antique basket, and a pinkeep made by me from a Stacy Nash pattern
black stepback cupboard, another favorite furniture piece made by the hubs...the lavender that hangs on the left door is available in my shoppe!
a closer look: the hooked mat was made by Stephanie of Olde Colony Primitives
primitive antiques in our breakfast nook
antique pie safe, a favorite piece that sits in the living room
I've filled my coffee table bowl with handmades and faux greenery along with some of the lavender that is available in my shoppe
...I hope you enjoyed my little tour, thanks for visiting!