Saturday, shortly after noon, we continued on up to MA to attend the antique show going on at Walker Homestead...I was disappointed in general...it may have been because of all the rain the previous day and the muddy conditions, but the mosquitoes were outta hand!, it was just horrible!...we had to hurry our way through and I really didn't enjoy it at all...I now wish we had opted to just visit the nearby Sturbridge area and go in a few shoppes there...although I did run into a couple of fellow bloggers I recognized, Bonnie and Sarah, that was nice!...and I did make a purchase at the show...this sweet little redware jug made by Pied Potter Hamelin:

After a whirlwind tour of the antique show, we drove about a half an hour to my friend Linda's house...she was having a gathering of friends who were in the area attending the show too...we have been blog buds for a few years now and I have seen many pictures of her lovely home which is furnished beautifully and if you have seen her pictures, you know her decorating is just perfect!...here's a link to her Picture Trail...it was such fun to finally be there in person and of course the best part was meeting Linda!...she is just the absolutely sweetest person!!...she had prepared a wonderful spread of goodies, oh my everything was SO DELICIOUS!...and she sent us home with so many goodies, we had yummies in our hotel room that night and all the way home!...Thank you Linda!!
We had originally planned to have dinner at a nearby restaurant but were just too exhausted and decided to cancel the dinner reservations. We checked into our hotel room, ordered a pizza, and went to bed early!...I was so paranoid about the possibility of bedbugs that I barely slept a wink...I am not comfortable spending the night away from home anyway...so at about 3:30AM, I finally gave up on sleeping...hubs woke up at about 5AM and we decided to skip the free breakfast and get on the road since we had quite a long drive ahead of us!...since we were getting an early start, hubs wanted to drive back through NYC again...oh joy! LOL...so this time we drove past the World Trade Center site and saw the beautiful new skyscraper they're building...traffic in the city was a little less chaotic since it was Sunday and we managed to get outta there without too much trouble...just a few horn honks and a couple close calls, LOL...we really want to get back there and see the sights the proper way...we knew driving through was not the way to do it, it's just that our route was taking us so close, we just had to do it!
We arrived back home in Central Virginia at about 5PM and it feels good to be home...I immediately had to get to work packing orders before I could even rest but I am now caught up and getting back to normal...I may be getting too old to do this sort of thing again but I'm glad we did it!...have a great week!