I've been busy busy busy purchasing and adding New Wares for my shoppe...summer is just speeding on by and before we know, it will be time for us to get out our Fall decor HOORAY!!...we do love our Autumn decorating don't we?...I am so excited about the goodies I've got coming and I'll be adding them as they come in so I can keep on top of it all.
Now about the 4th of July...I know that fireworks are illegal in many parts of the country but not here in Hanover County, VA...and boy do people take advantage of that!...there are types of fireworks that ARE illegal and what I don't understand is why the heck do they make something illegal and not enforce the law??...in our subdivision, the houses are 20 feet apart yet there are people who bring in illegal fireworks, the kind that shoot up into the air and explode, which drives me absolutely insane!!!...are these people not afraid of burning their house and their neighbors' houses down??!!...I have called the police, the fire dept. and yet it continues year after year...I just don't get it!!!...ok well there's my rant for the day, LOL...I am pretty much a nervous wreck on 4th of July evenings worrying and wondering if one of those bombs is going to explode on our roof or on the houses next door roofs...we had 2 houses burn down on our block last month and it was a frightening thing to see...the fire started in the garage of the first house and was so massive that it quickly spread to the house next door...it was horrible!
Gosh...that's not a very good note to leave this blog post on now is it?...sorry about that!...I just wish that people would be satisfied with going to see the professional fireworks displays that are absolutely everywhere all around us here and not insist on shooting explosives up into the air...it's downright dangerous!
Here's something better to leave you with...a picture of the display that I have on our breakfast nook table...the flag was a gift last year from and made by Pat of Olde Bittersweet Farm ...it's on a turned wood base and very special to me...I've got it sitting on a really olde checkerboard along with some faux herbs and strawberries...the strawberries were made by Carol on ebay, she makes lovely things!...and I love the Seven Snowballs Table Square, it's available in my shoppe...it's reversible to red with the pattern in the linen, which I plan on using for Christmas!...an olde wooden bowl, and antique food chopper, complete the display.