Happy Friday Friends!...well it's April 15th and just yesterday I got our income taxes finished and mailed...come to find out that this year the deadline is Monday the 18th and I had a whole 'nother weekend!...LOL...it's just as well...I am always glad to get that humungous chore outta the way!
After all that number crunching and paper sorting, I have treated myself, fairly well I might add, to some new goodies that I'd like to share. As you know, I love collecting handmades and I have added some wonderful treasures to my collections!...lookie here, I purchased not one but two new Schneeman bunnies made by Norma!...aren't they precious?...I've got one on each end table that are on either side of the sofa.

Also, I was fortunate enough to purchase this adorable bunny made by Lori of Homespun Prims by Lori along with this beautiful fabric covered box that came with the adorable little pinkeep...isn't this just as cute as can be?

And lookie at the cupboard hanger I purchased from Ronda of Simple Thyme Prims!

And this cute bear made by Jenn of Rabbit Hollow Prims...I love the lavender flower she crocheted!

Then there's these adorable bunnies that I purchased from Maureen of Buckbrush Farm...the standing one dressed in the brown coat and the wee chalkware one that I've placed in a pewter dish with an olde wooden egg...I just love 'em!

If all of that wasn't enough...the other day I went out and about to a few places that I don't get to very often...and I purchased this sweet little pot of faux daffodils at Pottery Barn...I love Pottery Barn...so many of their things blend with so many decorating styles!

Last but not least, there's this absolutely gorgeous pot of faux flame tulips...a good customer of mine had requested that I find her some potted tulips so I ordered these for her...I had to order a minimum of three so after shipping her's off and keeping one for myself, there's one left and I've placed it for sale in my shoppe!

There's only one though cuz I'm keeping mine! LOL!...oh and that cute little candleholder is new in my shoppe as well...it's the Teacup Candle Holder with a Blackened Grubby Nubbie which is also new, they are fabulous candles!...the prim herb rabbits you see there in the cheese box were handmade by my dear friend Karen of Olde Cottage Primitives and given to me as a gift!

I've been mighty darn good to myself haven't I?...I almost feel guilty!...notice I said "almost"...LOL!
Have a most joyous weekend all!