I hope everyone enjoyed their Christmas Day one way or another. The highlight of the big day for me was that I had my very first white Christmas! Having been born and raised in Southern California and spent most of my life there, I'd never experienced falling snow until our move east! I never knew how much I would love winter and snow! We got just shy of 3 inches as our Christmas Day total and it's still snowing today! Here's a pic I just snapped out the back:

I also wanted to share with you the wonderful gifts I received from my friends. Look at what Karen made for me...a gorgeous bonnet in my favorite sage check fabric, a beautiful doll dressed in mustard calico, and a set of perfectly prim herb animals...what fun these will be to decorate with for spring and summer! She really spoiled me didn't she? Thank you Karen!

Pat made for me this fabulous stocking and she also sent me one of her husband Don's stunning ink well reproductions! Thank you Pat!

Kris sent me this amazing Santa head ornament that she made! Thank you Kris!

Linda made me some address labels with what else? yep a willow tree!...she knew I'd like that! Thank you Linda!

Kath sent me a lovely CD of Celtic music which I love, Thank you Kath!

Just look at this adorable gingerbread man that Loretta made for me! Isn't he just the cutest thing? Thank you Loretta!

These gifts mean so much to me because I don't receive gifts from my family...there's just the 5 of us...me, my husband, our 2 grown boys, and 1 daughter-in-law...none of them celebrate Christmas per se so it is just lonely ol' me trying to make things as festive as possible. I get them all gifts but I tell the kids not to get me anything because they struggle financially and I gave up years ago trying to get my husband to buy me something so I have come to enjoy the season leading up to Christmas more than the day itself, but I do enjoy receiving gifts! Thank you all so very much!!
I know alot of you are going to be experiencing blizzard conditions out there so please stay safe and warm!