Thursday, January 22, 2009

~ Quick Update ~

Well I just wanted to post a quick update to my previous post! I am no longer searching for those two items as I ended up ordering a lamp shade for the jug lamp, not square or hexagonal because I gave up on finding something that unique that would fit, but I think it will go well in the room, it's the room that my youngest recently vacated and I'll post a few pictures of how that room is coming along as soon as the lamp shade gets here. Also, regarding my naked dolly, Beth of Olde Tyme Marketplace very graciously offered to make me a dress! I can't wait to see it! I'll post a picture of my dolly in her new dress as soon as it gets here, thank you sooo much Beth!


  1. Glad you got both things that you were looking for, it can be so fustrating when you can't find what you are looking for:0

  2. Hi Janet ~~ Good for you, a dress for you dolly and a new lamp shade all done on-line. A new shade will make that cute jug lamp perfect.
    Cant wait to see the pictures.
    Sending Big Hugs ~ Connie xox


~ Thank you so much for taking the time to say hello! ~ Janet :)