Saturday, January 17, 2009

~ Looking For.... ~

There are a couple of things I am currently looking for and am wondering if anyone out there might know where I could find:

1) a lamp shade for the below pictured jug lamp, the shade needs to be about 12 inches across the bottom and I'd love to find either a hexagon shade or a square needs to attach with the harp....and the colors in the room are gray, cream, and black.

2) a dress for the below pictured rag doll, her measurements are:
shoulder to ankle is about 15 1/2", shoulder to shoulder is about 5", arms are about 6 1/2" to her wrist, and her body measures 12 1/2" around under her arms....I would love to find either a plaid homespun or calico and most any color except blue.
I have been searching ebay daily, any other suggestions would be most appreciated, thank you!


  1. I have seen lampshades that size but not with harp. If I think of any sources for them, I'll leave a message. I know I have seen them - but where??

  2. Hi Janet ~~ Sorry don't have an answers for you, but I like your dolly even without clothes. Nice lamp have no idea where you get a shade with those colors in that size and shape.
    I find the hunt half the fun.
    Good Luck ~~ Hugs ~ Connie xox

  3. Hi! Have you looked at stores like Good Will? I wish I had some ideas to give you. Love the doll, I love old looking dolls and old dolls! Maybe you could make her a dress, it would be easy! I hope you give it a try!

  4. HI Janet,
    I could make you a simple dress for your doll if you'd be interested. I have made many primitive dolls over the years that are plain and simple like yours. Just let me know!
    Have a great day!


~ Thank you so much for taking the time to say hello! ~ Janet :)