Friday, December 13, 2013

~ Christmas 2013 ~

I won't go into how bad I've become at blogging, I'll just get right to the pics :)

entry table:

primitive stepback:
hanging snowman made by Barb Stein and standing Santa by Karen

doughbox table:
turned wood pedestal bowl and candle holder by Don and Pat of Olde Bittersweet Farm, the stone fruit are pieces I've collected from various antique shoppes and the little holly box is from my shoppe!

make do chair:
a sweet seasonal pillow made by Barbara Young, a favorite!...and a primitive pine tree from my shoppe plopped in an olde wooden bucket...the make-do chair was made by Pat of Olde Bittersweet Farm!

foyer table:

entering family room:


our family tree: 
I know it's not primitive, but it's our family Christmas tree :)


doll in olde ladderback:
on the left side of the fireplace hearth sits an olde ladderback chair with one of my all time favorite dolls made by Norma Schneeman...the kitty was made by Betty of Square Nails, and the gingerbread man by Dawn

boot bench:
on the right side of the fireplace hearth is this little boot bench that hubs made a few years ago...I've got some gingers and canes made by Barbara Young, the painted box is from my shoppe as is the candy cane taper candle!

fireplace mantel:
the black Belsnickle Santa is available in my shoppe!

wash stand:
an olde wooden bowl full of Christmas pinkeeps, most definitely one of my favorite things!

coffee table bowl:
pinkeeps by Jenny Hoffman and Barbara Young, the bowl and runner are available in my shoppe!
stepback cupboard:
this cupboard was made by my hubs years ago, the hanging red stocking on the left was a gift from my friend Pat and the trammel hanging on the right door is sold in my shoppe


end table:
hooked holly mat made by Stephanie of Olde Colony Primitives, handmade holly branch by Schneeman

folk art cabinet display:
on top of a cabinet that hubs made I've got some of my favorite primitives and the little plate laying on the left is a new addition I call Starstruck Snowman, it's an adorable redware plate that I'm offering in my shoppe!
sifter on foyer wall:
pinkeep made by me a couple of years ago and I don't recall the pattern I'm sorry to say! 

I hope you enjoyed my tour...MERRY CHRISTMAS!!!


  1. Ohhhh, your home looks so wonderful, love all the Christmas vignettes. So much prim goodness I see, thanks for sharing, Blessings Francine.

  2. Everything looks wonderful! I love it all! Merry Christmas! Carmen and the Primcats

  3. Janet,
    Warm, Cozy & full of Christmas Eye Candy, just Beautiful !!!
    We are cold, & getting Snow as I type ... hope some "Fluffy White Stuff" gets down your way my Friend.
    Wishing you. Don & the Boys a Merry Christmas.
    Blessings & Big Hugs xox

  4. Lovely decorations Janet. Wishing you and yours a joyful holiday season.

  5. Hi Janet...what lovely decorating!
    Blessings and a very Merry Christmas


~ Thank you so much for taking the time to say hello! ~ Janet :)