Saturday, February 7, 2009

~ Window Treatment ~

Ok so I just came across a window treatment for my guest room that I am seriously considering....I think I like it best of all because it is not a traditional curtain, it's colonial style, and it comes in black with a linen design which quite possibly could match very closely the woven round tablecloth I have on the nightstand!....what do you think?


  1. Oh I just love that window treatment! that will look awesome!

    Have a great weekend!

    BTW-May I ask where you found it? I have been searching high and low for something along that line :)

  2. Hi Kath! have got to check out this web site, it is one of my all time favorite places to shop!
    Janet :)

  3. OMGosh-whatta neat site! I love her iron candle sticks too!! I have been looking for a door hanger/scoop candle holder...I see she has one on there!
    I checked out her small wooden items too, very very nice-I have some boxes and a untensil holder almost like that that my hubby and I made!!

    Thanks for sharing the site:)


  4. I love will just add to that great bedroom of yours:)

    I'm off to check out the site that you gave:)

  5. Hi Janet ~~ Love this curtain, looks like a perfect style for your room. I'll vouch for American store ever and best on-line site. Its funny I guess we just think everyone know about the great stores..guess its good to mention them once in a while. :-)
    Hugs ~ Connie xox

  6. oh.. I do have to agree.. I love that style. Guess I'll be checking out American Heritage as well.. lol. Have a great day!


  7. Morning Janet ~~
    I just added my self as a follower, I thought
    I already was a follower. lol
    Like the additions of the clock and temperature, I see its 66 there today,
    lucky you. EnJoy your Day !!
    Hugs ~ Connie xox


~ Thank you so much for taking the time to say hello! ~ Janet :)