Monday, February 9, 2009

~ Valentine's Day ~

I finally got all my heart decorations the way I want and finished posting pictures to my Picture Trail of several little Valentine vignettes to get everyone in the mood, LOL!....the link is over there and down on the right if ya wanna see :)


  1. I just found your blog...I love your Valentine's decorations. I've seen your raggedy annie doll on eBay. She is soo....cute!!
    Gald I found your blog and I'll be back to visit. Hope you will stop by mine for a visit.
    prim blessings,

  2. So cute! And I just love that runner!

  3. Hi Janet,

    I just checked out your picturetrail and all your little heart groupings are simply lovely. I haven't even had a chance to put a little something on my front door yet! You've inspired me to make time and do it tonight.

    Warm hugs ~~ Jenn

  4. Love your pictures....thanks for sharing.
    Guess I should start doing some Valentine decorating - I seem to be the only one not putting anything out! hmmmm.

  5. Hi Janet ~~ Love all your Heart Day Decorations !!! Im home today and was thinking of putting out some eggs & stuff, guess I better wait till the 14th passes. :-) EnJoy Idol tonight!!
    Hugs ~ Connie xox

  6. Hi Janet! I just found your blog!
    I am scrolling through some of your posts and I find that I can't tear myself away. I'm hooked and now I am a follower!
    I must go back and read some more!

  7. Those are soo cute. Sorry I haven't gotten back to you soon, I don't really spend much time on the computer when my DH is home. I live in Laneview, about 40 miles away. Anytime you want to share a coffee or something let me know. Have a great day!



~ Thank you so much for taking the time to say hello! ~ Janet :)