Wednesday, April 22, 2009
~ Glistening Willow ~
Gosh it's too bad I cannot capture how lovely my willow tree looks this morning. She is getting so much green on her now. It rained last evening and this morning the sun shining on her makes her look sparkly, it's so cool! But since my backyard faces east I'm taking the picture right into the sun and it's just not working. This is the best picture I could get for now, can you see the glistening? I planted her as a wee little baby six years ago this month, I will have to take a picture of her during the summer in all her glory and post it along with her baby picture, I just love that tree! I hope you can see something more than just a blob of green stuff, LOL....have a great Wednesday everyone!
Saturday, April 18, 2009
~ Happy Saturday To All ~
I hope everyone is enjoying the warm weather that many of us are experiencing today. Personally I don't like the heat but I know many of you have been anticipating this for quite some time. I just wanted to say hey and share a picture of my feline-daughter, her name is Katie. She is a cold person and whenever there is sun coming in through a window or an open door she lays where it's shinng. This is her a little while ago laying by the front door, the sun actually got too warm for her and she moved over a bit. Hey Terry, dontcha think my little girl and your big furry boy make a cute couple? teehee! Enjoy the rest of your weekend everyone!
Tuesday, April 14, 2009
~ Tweaked Again ~
In the mail I received a handmade checkerboard from Maggie in Ireland and I love it!....I knew just where I was going to put it too!....yep, the top of my wall cupboard!....if you scroll down to previous posts you'll see the various incarnations of said wall cupboard....I was never perfectly pleased with the top until now!....I finally have a combination of things up there that I really really like....I sell those little boxes in my web shoppe and had a set put aside for myself because I love the colors....when I saw the color of the checkerboard in person I knew they'd go well with it too....and the Treenware masher's handle is the same shade of sage which is actually my favorite color, well, that and love lavender and sage, together or separate!....well that is all for now....I'm looking forward to watching American Idol this evening....I read online that they will be singing songs from the cinema tonight....I wonder who will pick the right song!
Friday, April 10, 2009
~ Happy Easter Weekend ~
Our boys are grown and no longer anticipate the egg hunts and getting Hot Wheels and Matchbox cars, bubbles, stickers, and jelly beans, and all that fun stuff I've always bought this time of year for their baskets. It's just not the same when they're big, ya know? LOL....oh well, maybe someday I'll be able to have that fun again with a grandchild! Have a wonderful weekend everyone and Happy Easter!
Tuesday, April 7, 2009
~ New Wares ~
I've just finished up adding a small batch of goodies to my web shoppe and wanted to show you one thing in particular, it's a cute little bench I talked husband into making....he makes stuff for me all the time and I keep telling him how much others would appreciate his work as well but he really dislikes the sanding part so it's been hard to convince him to make something for my shoppe....well his regular work has been slow lately and he's had some time on his hands soooooo....I got a couple of these really cute benches out of him, yay! LOL....have a great day everyone!
Thursday, April 2, 2009
~ Goodies in the Mail ~
I've got some cool new things to show you but first I wanted to say that this has been a loooong week for me....I did something (no idea what) to twist or injure my lower back somehow and it is BAD! is the first day I can actually move around without yelling OUCH every single moment, I hope it's nothing permanent!....anywho....several days ago I received the FABULOUS pineapple I bought from Kath ....I was pretty blown away when I opened the box cuz it is so well done!....I just placed it here to take a pic, not sure where it's going to land, I haven't been up to playing but isn't it cool?
Then today I received some WONDERFUL baskets from Pam ....she and I did a trade, I wanted to purchase one each of her Onion Basket and Garlic Basket and there was something she wanted from my web shoppe so that was fun!....and she added a third basket as a gift!....thank you soooo much Pam!....I hung them here just for the pic to show you all three, aren't they lovely?
Ok well I'm expecting a product shipment this afternoon for my web shoppe so I've got to get some things's just taking me so much longer to do anything right now....catch y'all later!